Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ei, estamos de site novo!!! Conheça nosso Flickr!!!

Hot Machines no FLICKR

Nossa Página no FACEBOOK:

Hot Machines no Instagram:


Hot Machines Tattoo e Piercing.
e-mail de contato:
114 Norte, Bloco B loja 70
Brasilia - DF
Tel: (61) 3273-6618
Cel: (61) 9229-8076

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Arkansas Attempts Body Mod Ban

Arkansas Attempts Body Mod Ban (blog) -

"Arkansas, however, apparently believes that the state legislature should have the right to limit acts of personal expression. The Arkansas Senate passed a bill, with a 26-4 vote, that moves to ban certain types of body modification procedures, specifically targeting scarification and dermal implants."
Arkansas Attempts Body Mod Ban (blog) -   "Arkansas, however, apparently believes that the state legislature should have the right to limit acts of personal expression. The Arkansas Senate passed a bill, with a 26-4 vote, that moves to ban certain types of body modification procedures, specifically targeting scarification and dermal implants."
24 minutes ago

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kevin Sorbo with Fake Tattoo's for Movie Abel's Field

My Dear Friend Jan looked at this Blog I have a few. one for Kevin Sorbo our favorite Actor
One for Joe Manganiello(Alcide- Werewolf on True Blood)
One for Personal use and one as the Romance Writer I'm working toward becoming LOL
Anyway... Since Kevin had these fake tattoo's on him for Abel's field a great movie... We thought we could add him on here too :-) and every time i see Kevin at conventions he always shakes his head and says, "Don't they hurt?" I laugh and say, "Yeah... in the beginning then my skin goes numb and I'm still glad I got all 6 I have so far....Including the one related to Him that I'll be adding to in time :-)




Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hot Cowboy's with Tattoo's... Sigh

Picture came from

There are so many more Beautiful, Sexy men on this Facebook Page... I"ll add more later but for now enjoy these and go check out  "Fifty Shades of Sexy's Certified Country Boys"

Big & Rich - Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy]





  Both Please? :-)